Thursday, 30 June 2016

Rainbow Rose QAL Week 5 and Bringing Back the Spring

This week's assignment in Modern Quilters Ireland QAL was to put together the top. So, that's what I did:

Rainbow Rose QAL Week 5

Now, Ruth suggested using a couple of appliqué ideas for the border or leaving it just as it is. This much negative space is something I'm not accustomed to, though I know it's one of the prominent features of modern quilt design. Besides, in my version, the star seems to melt away towards the edges, and that somehow adds to all the white. 

The borders question is connected to the quilting and binding question, for example quilting the white in a bright variegated thread (I have left from the bubbles quilt) could fill in the void. White binding would contribute to the glow effect, while bright one would keep it controlled. Lots of possibilities. All suggestions welcome)))

Although I'm turning ideas about finishing this quilt in my mind, I couldn't bear to let it occupy my makeshift design wall, so i covered it with a new project which I have conceived back in early spring when magnolias were in bloom all around Dublin.

Magnolia Tree in Howth

This photo was taken near Howth Castle, but I have taken many others as well as looked for more professional ones on Pinterest. Finally, I made a full scale pattern from my sketch and auditioned the fabrics. After 3 (three!) bright rainbow projects, finally something more subdued, just greys and pinks:

Magnolias fabrics auditioning

I've been collecting those greys and pinks since spring)) Looks like I have enough pinks now (I had quite a few before that idea hit me, so many are just leftovers, but that's ok, because the flowers are made of smaller parts). The greys are mostly new fat quarters, as I don't often use them, and I think a couple more would be welcome.

This piece is going to be all curve-piecing and it's quite large - a meter by a meter and a half - probably the largest of my "art" pieces so far.

Linking up to Rainbow Rose QAL at Modern Quilters Ireland, Fabric, Thread and Yarn at France Nadeau

P.S. I'm still working on quilting my beach extravaganza, the finish is looming, but I ran out of thread today((


  1. You're right about this melting away. I had not notice it before you mentioned it. It's gorgeous, thought. I don't see it as a problem. I like how you pieced the various colors.
    For the binding, I would personally make a multicolored binding with the remaining scraps. I think it would visually diminish the size of the negative space.
    Thank you for participating to my Fabric, Thread and Yarn link party. Have a good weekend!

  2. Sorry it took me so long to get here to comment Olena. I've been very busy. I like how your version of the quilt softly fades to the is very delicate. I'm with you on the rainbows...I've got one more to do but I am getting a little tired of them.Time for something else and then I can revisit them at a later date.


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