Monday, 9 May 2016

Monday Morning Inspiration - Free Motion Quilting Fossils

Ammonite image from fossils direct and my exercise
I'm in the process of making a quilt for an exhibition on the topic of "Evolution". As I was still thinking about what I'm going to do, it struck me how some fossils resemble quilted images in that they stand out as a relief from their background. I invite you today to take some inspiration for your quilting designs from those made by the Evolution.

Just check out this image from the Gallery of Trilobites at the American Natural History Museum website. Doesn't it just beg to be quilted?


Gabriceraurus dentatus (Raymond and Barton, 1913)

Here is another fossil - a 48-million-years-old snake on display at the Messel Museum in Southern Germany, photo by Phil from Flicr. Notice the exquisite detail, the waves in those bones, wouldn't it look marvelous when quilted?

Fossil Eocene snake 48 million years old

Everybody loves ammonites (no, really, don't you?). This beautiful ammonite is from Fossilsdirect website (where it is for sale, actually). Can you resist the urge to render it in fabric and thread?

fossil ammonite
Tmetoceras scissum (Rare)
I couldn't. This actually was a piece of practice before quilting my archaeopteryx fossil, which is the centerpiece of my Evolution quilt. I had to check out how the thread and the fabric crayons would behave, and I rather liked the result, though it is not as geometrically perfect as Evolution's designs))

FMQ ammonite

And here is, finally, my birdie, quilted, but not yet colored in:

FMQ archaeopteryx

Would you like to try quilting fossils? There are plenty of beautiful pictures of them on the Internet, do check them out and get inspired for the week!


  1. Archaeopteryx looks amazing - I can't wait to see the whole thing!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm almost finished now - need to make the sleeve and then some good light to take a photo))

  2. Lena you are absolutely amazing and so is your idea! Oh my gosh - write a book! So many people would go bonkers over quilts like this!

    1. Thank you for the complement, my ears just went red as read it )))

  3. This is definitely art. It may not be as perfect as nature's work but I'm amazed by your results and completely agree with Lara. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the bird quilt. :-)

    1. Thank you! The birds are just around the corner - I've already taken the photos!

  4. You are right about fossils making fabulous quilting designs. This reminded me of a quilt I made in 2013 for a travelling exhibit.

    1. Thank you Terry, I checked out you fossil and it's great! Love the color way!


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