Saturday, 7 May 2016

Being brave and setting goals for May

I'm discovering lots of interesting things that are going on in the world of quilting/blogging/exhibiting online. And I'm so excited I really want to have a finger in each and every pie))

For now, I'll try to join some link-ups and publicly set a May goal for myself (because I very convenietly have had it, just didn't tell anyone): I want to try hand-quilting.

It feels intimidating even to write it, but I have the finished top which already has so much handwork in it, that I (recklessly) decided to hand-quilt it, although I've never tried it before and haven't even seen anybody do it in real life. Besides, I have received this week the variegated thread I ordered specifically for this purpose. And I also have the backing and the batting, so no excuses left (maybe except time, of which we all never have enough)))

This is the project I'm talking about, and it's rather large - 130 by 75 cm, if I remember right:

hexagon bubbles top

I set myself the goal of starting to hand-quilt it (say, make at least 1/8) in May. 

I'm taking part at 
Wish me luck!


  1. That's an excellent way to get started! Declaring your intentions publicly makes follow through easier. The blog world can be so difficult to navigate because there are so many wonderful resources to investigate. Enjoy the colorful journey, and thanks for linking up to #BraveQuilter.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

    1. Thank you, Julie, I'm really looking forward to discovering new resources and I enjoy all kinds of challenges and trying new stuff))

  2. Hand quilting is a peaceful and relaxing activity. You make one stitch at a time and one day you realise you've almost finished your quilt. Starting with this hexi quilt is an excellent idea as the space is well defined. I'll wish you more than luck: I'll wish you to enjoy the time you spend with your needle and thread. :-)
    P.S.: I answered your question on my blog, about the wrinkles and the binding.

    1. Thanks for the nice wishes! I'm still considering what kind of pattern to choose for quilting so it goes along with both the hexies and the background fabric...

  3. Your quilt is so very beautiful and I love that you are going to hand quilt it! Are the hexies appliqued on to the background? Thank you for linking up with One Monthly Goal!

    1. Thanks Heidi, yes, I sewed the hexies together the EPP way, then placed them onto freezer paper, traced the "holes" and edges and used it as a template for cutting the background fabrics. Then hand appliquéd the hexie shape to the background pieces.

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