Monday, 16 May 2016

Monday Morning Inspiration - Lacy Textures for Confetti Quilts

This Saturday we went to Howth rhododendron jungle gardens, which is quite near where we live, and everything there was absolutely stunning - the weather, the huge rhododendron trees and bushes covered with beautiful blossoms in all shades of pink, the views from the hill, ferns and mosses, spring flowers under the trees and the young spring leaves.

I took lots of photos which I intend to turn into quilts one day, but considering the number of such photos I have, this day will come in about 150 years ))). So I thought I would share them with you and maybe they will inspire you to create something beautiful (just in case, you don't 't have to ask for permission, it will be an honor!).

Here I chose some images with delicate, lacy details that would be (next to) impossible to piece or appliqué, but  could be used for "confetti" or "pizza" style quilts, where small pieces of fabric are laid on a background and then covered with tulle and quilted to hold everything in place. (One quilt I made using this technique is in my gallery)

Have you already tried confetti quilting?  If you haven't do give it a try. It's really fun and gives you the freedom to play with shapes and colors without thinking too much about how you are going to sew it all together. 

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