Saturday, 30 April 2016

Why every quilter needs an ongoing EPP project

Start EPP
Here's why:

  • it's really easy to make - you only need to remember one or two basic stitches you were probably taught by your granny or primary school teacher
  • it's super flexible - if you start a pillow case and change your mind, you can make it a mug rug, or a potholder, or just an appliqué element for another q
  • it helps you improve your color sense - you can immediately see how fabrics are working (or probably not working) together;
  • it's wonderfully thrifty - you can use up your scraps or, if you haven't got any, you can cut up your man's favorite old shirt or the dresses your kids have outgrown
  • most importantly, it's compact - you can do it on the train, on the playground, waiting in a queue or on those occasions when your family insist that your sewing table is in fact the dining table
In a line, it's F-U-N. And its so much more than your grandmother's flower garden.

Here is my current English Paper Piecing which I mostly do in the evenings, watching a movie or just chatting to my husband.



So, come on, let's go beyond your grandmother's flower garden!


  1. You are inspiring me to try some English piecing something I have not yet learned to do!I like the idea of creating a big stack of pieces while sitting around and then turning them into something!! Keep creating :)

    1. Thank you! That's exactly what I was trying to do - inspire somebody!


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